Armed Security Guard - Minneapolis
Twin City Security has Armed Guards Ready to Protect
Do you feel threatened by potential crime or violence? Perhaps your business, or a business in your neighborhood, or industry, was recently the victim of a robbery. Perhaps a fight broke out and employees and clients now feel insecure. It is your job to help everyone feel at ease and ensure their safety. Armed guards do a lot to diminish the risk of crime and other threatening situations. Our Twin City Security (TCS-Minneapolis) guards, who carry weapons, are part of our most elite and advanced officer team. They are licensed, bonded, and insured to carry arms as part of their professional duties.
Our armed guards must prove themselves in difficult settings before they get the privilege to train as an Advanced Officer. Their training includes more than just weapon handling. They learn communications methods for lessening hostile situations and non-fatal ways to stop an attack.
Get Informed about your Risk Level
While unarmed security guards can handle the majority of security issues, armed guards are best for places and events where people are prone to irrational or violent behavior. We use crime statistics, along with our extensive local knowledge, to make recommendations about when getting armed guards is appropriate.
Some Businesses should have Armed Guards
Most businesses who contract with TCS-Minneapolis for an armed guard answer "yes" to one of the following questions.
Do you sell something with a high street value?
Examples of products with high street value include pharmaceuticals, jewelry, perfume, and electronics.
Do you have a significant amount of cash on location?
Examples of cash-intense businesses include pawn shops, banks, and convenience stores.
Does your location have a lot of gang activity nearby?
Examples of gang activity includes prevalent graffiti, drug dealing, and people wearing obvious gang apparel and gang tattoos.
Are you open very late at night?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, call us today about our armed guard services. If you answered no to all of 4 questions, read about our unarmed services.
Armed Guards in the Workplace
The workplace is usually uneventful. However, in times of high stress, people can behave in ways you would never imagine they would. If your workplace is undergoing turmoil due to extensive layoffs or harassment, it might be a good idea to contract with TCS-Minneapolis for an armed guard.
Having a TCS-Minneapolis Armed Security Guard Means you can relax
We know the emotional and financial toll of being victimized. Our number one priority is not letting that happen at your event or place of business. If you aren't sure if your business necessitates an armed guard, don't hesitate to call us. We will assess your situation, discuss the risks associated with your business, and make an expert recommendation.
Our armed guards work to deter crime and violence, but are ready to use force if necessary. You can't afford the liability of a poorly trained armed guard. We built our stellar reputation by hiring the most capable security officers and then providing excellent training and professional support. Clients continue to retain our services because we offer superior service. Get the peace of mind from having TCS-Minneapolis dedicated to your security and safety.
Call 763‑784‑4160 today to discuss your options.